Saturday, September 6, 2014

Beginning A Brand New Adventure!

And Introducing....

Well, this is my first post, so I figure I should probably introduce the people I will be writing about. I'm guessing many readers are curious as to where I got my name from. It's not really very interesting. It's just a Doctor Who "thing". And it was suggested to me by someone...I didn't even come up with it on my own!

My name is Christy. I'm married to my best friend, and we have two absolutely amazing (though definitely trying at times) children: a 6 month old little boy and a 5 year old little girl. We have a dog named Mia who is also a treasured part of our family. On Monday, we're starting two brand new adventures: Kindergarten AND home school!

Through much discussion and research, my husband and I decided to home school our daughter for preschool and possibly beyond (and eventually our son). We have chosen to use purely secular materials, and our reasons have nothing to do with religion, but with me WANTING to teach them at home. Also, the schools in our area aren't exactly exemplary.

On top of home schooling, I also try to cook our bread for the week instead of buying from the store. I also make little packets of home made instant oatmeal, granola, granola bars, and many types of muffins for grab-and-go breakfasts. We are trying to eat well, get healthy, cook from scratch, and begin canning our own food. In fact, tomorrow we will be making a huge batch of diced tomatoes and salsa. Our first ever attempt at canning anything that isn't pickles. We've gotten REALLY good at pickles! Haha!

It's going to take a lot of motivation, organization (one thing I am not good at!), and time management... adventure it surely will be!

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